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Locking System Configurator

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Get your cost estimate for a digital locking system in just a few steps.

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Locking System Configurator

Configure your digital locking system

In just a few easy steps and less than 2 minutes, you'll receive your free and non-binding cost estimate.


Where should the locks be used?


How should the doors be opened?

Multiple selections are possible.
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How many locks and users are you planning?

Negative numbers cannot be entered.

Who should receive the offer?

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What is your email address?

Penultimate question!

What phone number can we contact you on?

Information on data protection can be found in our Privacy statement.

Thank you very much for your interest!

The indicative costs, based on digital lock cylinders, amount to:

Castles (one-time)
@ [hardware_price] €
minus funding
-@ [grant] €
Cloud (monthly)
@ [saas_price] €

We would be happy to discuss the exact costs, possible discounts and eligibility for funding in a personal and non-binding initial consultation.

This is a non-binding offer.

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Well-known customers rely on our products
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BlueID Produkte

Für jeden Anwendungsfall

Alle unsere Produkte unterstützen klassische NFC Transponder und BLE für die Entriegelung per Smartphone

So einfach, kaum zu glauben

Mit wenigen Klicks und in Sekunden kann Nutzern sicher Zutritt gewährt werden.

Schlüssel erstellen

In wenigen Sekunden erstellen Sie den passgenauen Schlüssel für die richtige Person und schicken ihn in einer ansprechenden E-Mail an den Empfänger.
Grafik mit einem Schlüssel und der BlueID-Software, die zeigt, wie in wenigen Sekunden ein passgenauer Schlüssel erstellt und per E-Mail an den Empfänger gesendet wird.
Grafik mit einem Schlüssel und der BlueID-Software, die veranschaulicht, wie der Empfänger auf den Link in der E-Mail klickt und die App den Schlüssel automatisch übernimmt.

Schlüssel annehmen

Der Empfänger klickt auf den Link und die App übernimmt vollautomatisch den Schlüssel.

Tür öffnen

Der Empfänger kann die ihm zugeordneten Türen zu den festgelegten Zeitpunkten nun öffnen.
Bild einer Tür, die symbolisiert, dass der Empfänger mit der BlueID-Software die ihm zugeordneten Türen zu festgelegten Zeitpunkten öffnen kann.
Bild eines Protokollblatts, das zeigt, wie mit nur wenigen Klicks eine vollständige Übersicht über die Ereignisse zu Schlüssel, Schlössern und Schlüsselinhabern mit der BlueID-Software abgerufen werden kann.

Zutritte protokollieren

Mit nur wenigen Klicks erhalten Sie die komplette Übersicht über die Ereignisse bezogen auf den Schlüssel, die Schlösser und dem Schlüsselinhaber.

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Do you have any questions?

We know that digital access solutions are new to many. Have a look at our FAQ — here we answer your most common questions.

How secure are BlueID locking systems against manipulation?

BlueID systems use strong encryption and protect against manipulation.

In addition, cloud-based administration allows continuous monitoring and rapid blocking of lost transponders. When using app-controlled access, permissions can even be withdrawn in real time.

What happens if there is a power or server failure?

Thanks to their offline capability, our locking systems continue to function even in the event of a power or server failure.

The system remains reliably accessible and authorizations are still valid.

Can I grant temporary access rights, e.g. for service providers?

Yes, temporary access rights can be easily set via the app or the web portal.

This feature is perfect for service providers, guests, or seasonal employees.

Can the products also be used for fire doors?

Yes, BlueID lock cylinders and door fittings are approved for fire protection doors up to class T90.

The components can also be installed retrospectively without affecting certification. This offers an enormous cost advantage, particularly for retrofits and hotel renovations.

Which certifications do BlueID products have?

BlueID products are certified in accordance with leading safety standards such as DIN and VdS.

Our product pages and data sheets contain detailed information on safety, quality and environmental certificates.

How does granting access work?

Access rights can be flexibly managed via the BlueID web portal or the app — simply from a PC, tablet or smartphone.

This enables spontaneous adjustments and quick reactions to changes, such as temporary access.

How does installation and maintenance work?

BlueID products are easy to install without special tools.

The components are ready for use in just a few steps and can be installed by trained specialists as well as laymen. Maintenance is rarely required and the components are designed for long-term, stable use.

How can the locks be opened?

BlueID locking systems support NFC transponders (cards, key chains, wristbands) and Bluetooth for opening via smartphone app.

Depending on the area of application, different authentication media can be used in this way.

Which components do I need for the locking system?

The selection can be flexibly adapted to specific building plans and user needs.

The components meet the requirements: BlueID offers lock cylinders, door handles, furniture locks and wall readers for doors, gates, barriers and elevators.

What are the advantages of digital locking systems?

Flexible, cloud-based administration significantly reduces costs and expenses.

Digital locking systems offer central administration, higher security and easy adjustment of access rights — from any Internet-enabled device and without physical keys.